Aims and Objectives of


To mobilize all African Health Professionals(AHPs)/experts, who are practicing in Africa and in diaspora, including the retirees, to fully participate in efforts to halt further decay and collapse of Africa’s healthcare delivery systems, resuscitate, upgrade them, and significantly improve quality of patients care, and consequently reduce mortality rates, in service to our motherland, Africa.


To achieve this via application of specially-designed healthcare intervention programs and projects, to benefit the 54 African countries, working in close collaboration with their ministries of health.

Africa Healthcare Sector Interventions Fund will soon be established.


To immediately carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the current state of functionality of Africa’s healthcare delivery systems, identify the problem areas and challenges, in all the 54 countries; such a study will dictate the most appropriate intervention measures.


To ensure that Africa’s healthcare delivery systems are adequately resuscitated and upgraded at all levels of patients care and training of PHs (primary, secondary, tertiary and institutions).


To organize and hold regular and annual general meetings of all Africa health- sector stakeholders including annual

SPECIAL AFRICAN HEALTH SUMMIT (SAHS) in a capital city of an African country, in collaboration with health ministries of African countries where healthcare delivery- related problems of the 54 countries will be exhaustively discussed and far-reaching decisions taken.


To suggest to the countries of Africa and other stakeholders the urgent and compelling need for the immediate establishment of Africa Health Organization (AHO)

for more effective and prompt response and management of future pandemics, epidemics like Ebola, Lassa fever, Mpox, and other deadly disease outbreaks, and at grassroot levels, effectively manage both communicable and chronic non-communicable diseases. AHO will work in close collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO).


To raise funds for the effective and successful execution of health care intervention programms and projects in the 54 countries of Africa.


To collaborate with the governments of African nations and other major health-sector stakeholders, so as to create the required working and welfare-related enabling environment that may halt the mass exodus (out of Africa) of senior highly experienced and skilled African professionals.The mass exodus is negativly Impacting on the quality of patients care and students/specialists training programs.


To design specific interventions to arrest the rapidly escalating epidemic of drug and alcohol addiction among African youths prompting many of therm to drop out of schools and universities, and eventually turn to crimes, for a living. Parents are helpless.

Urgent need to conduct anti-drugs campaigns in secondary schools and universities , and establish functional rehabilitation centers across Africa.


To work with all stakeholders to make drugs affordable for the generality of patients; and ensure the reversal of government policies that will bring back departed big foreign pharmacy companies.


To encourage research into prevalent disease conditions in different regions of Africa, with the aim of finding new and more effective means of diagnosis and disease management


To health-educate the rural communities, using local languages, focusing on basics of disease prevention and control.


To encourage governments to establish homes for the care of the elderly.


To work in collaboration with governments and major stakeholders to open up the entire Africa so as to create opportunities that will meet the long- desired needs of PHs in terms of training, specialization, postings, work, and group travels etc.


To conduct annual

Awards, to promote excellence in every level of healthcare, and encourage governments to embark on profound improvements of budgetary provisions for health, that actually translate to the upgrading of infrastructure, equipment and supplies, APHs welfare manpower training, and employment of well- skilled personnel and improved quality of patients care etc.


To work towards the establishment of a world-class

University of Medical Sciences, and Teaching Hospital Complex, an African Center of Disease Control (ACDC), and other relevant health-sector related institutions which will be named after prominent African leaders (eg. Late Presidents Nelson Mandela, Kuwame Nkrumah etc).


And to intervene in all other health-related matters concerning the Africa continent including encoraging the 54 countries to work harder towards ataintainment of the United Nations Millinium Development Goals (MDGs).